Thank you vendors for a great conference!
Thank you vendors for a great 2024 Fall Conference in Jamestown, ND !
We have a tiered approach to vendor access to the conference:
Attn: Sammy Vander Wal
318 W Apollo Ave
Bismarck, ND 58503
Online Vendor Registration is CLOSED
Platinum Sponsorship (2) -- $1,500 limit of 3
Platinum Sponsorship (2) -- $1,500 limit of 3
Two booths
Special signage on the appetizer buffet, breakfast, lunch buffet, or refreshment tables,
Breakout space times slot (space shared – vendors will have 50 minutes in this space), 5-minute slot prior keynote
Additional advertising on the conference website.
Diamond Sponsorship (25) -- $ 1,200, limit of 5
One booth
Special signage on the appetizer buffet, breakfast, lunch buffet, or refreshment tables,
Mentioned on a break-out session
Website description as a sponsor,
5 minute pitch prior to a break-out session,
Additional advertising on the conference website.
Gold Sponsorship (Unlimited) -- $900
One booth
Mentioned on a break-out session
Website description as a sponsor
Advertising on the conference website.
Silver Sponsorship (Unlimited) -- $600
One booth
Mentioned on conference website
Thank you to our EdTech Partners!